Overcoming Resistance to Change - Webinar Recording

Watch the recording of "Overcoming Resistance to Change" by Dr. Kathy L. Gruver. Then, complete the quiz and earn 80% or higher to receive CE credit.


  • Overcoming Resistance to Change  - Webinar Recording


  • Dr. Kathy L. Gruver


  • No one likes change, but it is an inevitable part of life. Explore the seven most common reasons that we are resistant to change. Some of these are completely subconscious and others we are well aware of. Learn the hidden reasons that we want to stay unchanged and ways we can shift to a growth mindset and be more open and willing for those inevitable changes in life. This interactive presentation offers usable solutions to get your psyche ready to accept those changes in your life. Perhaps you'll even start to instigate changes that were previously shy-ed away from. Fun, educational and always thought provoking!

Objectives:  At the conclusion of this webinar, MSPs will be able to:

  • List and discuss the 7 most common things that keep us resistant to change.
  • Master practical, customizable techniques that can help expand mindset and minimize common resistance.
  • Identify which is your most common block and which techniques will work best to help you eliminate your fears and resistance.


  • This webinar recording has been approved for 1 CE credit.


  • Hover over the "Register" button in the top right corner to see the price

This webinar covers the following Core Functional Area(s) and Tomorrow's MSP Skillsets

Core Functional Area(s):

  • Tomorrow's MSP


  • Relationship Building
  • Change Management
  • Team Building
  • Communication
  • Human Resources


NAMSS Participant's Agreement
1 Question  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/1 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
1 Question  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/1 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail You must complete the Participant's Agreement in order to access your purchased NAMSS Education.
Overcoming Resistance to Change - Recording
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Overcoming Resistance to Change - Quiz
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/10 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/10 points to pass After watching the recording, complete the quiz and earn 80% or higher to receive CE credit.
Certificate of Completion
1.00 CE Credits credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE Credits credit  |  Certificate available