Joint Commission Update - Webinar Recording (April 2023)


  • Joint Commission Update


  • Robert Campbell, PharmD, BCSCP


  • This session will cover the Medical Staff requirements for The Joint Commission.  It will also discuss the new credentialing and privileging time frame recently released as a standards update and ways to ensure compliance. 

Learning Objectives:  At the conclusion of this webinar, MSPs will be able to:

  1. Understand Joint Commission Medical Staff requirements. 
  2. Understand the new credentialing and privileging requirements for Joint Commission and how they intersect with State law. 
  3. Describe compliance tactics for meeting Joint Commission standards.


  • This webinar recording has been approved for 1 CE credit.

This webinar covers the following Core Functional Area(s) and Tomorrow's MSP Skillsets

Core Functional Area(s):

  • Manages the Credentialing or Privileging Process, Complies with Accreditation Standards and Regulatory Standards, Manages Compliance with State and Federal Accreditation Standards, and Regulatory Requirements.


  • Performance Improvement
  • Medical Staff Bylaws & Polices/Procedures 


NAMSS Participant's Agreement
1 Question  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/1 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
1 Question  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/1 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail You must complete the Participant's Agreement in order to access your purchased NAMSS Education.
Joint Commission Update Webinar Recording
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Post-Webinar Quiz
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/10 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/10 points to pass
Certificate of Completion
1.00 CE Credits credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE Credits credit  |  Certificate available