2019 Educational Conference Recording: Employed Physicians - How to Navigate HR and Peer Review for Employ

Title: Employed Physicians - How to Navigate HR and Peer Review for Employ 

Speaker: John Synowicki, JD 

Description: This presentation will focus on a trending area in peer review, where en employed physician (or one who is affiliated through an affiliate employer) is subject to review on the employment side and on through peer review. Employers can save themselves considerable time and heartache if they learn to navigate when to address a matter on the employment side, when to do so on the peer review side, and when they may need to do both.


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1 Question  |  Unlimited attempts  |  1/1 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail You must complete the Participant's Agreement in order to access your purchased NAMSS Education.
Employed Physicians - How to Navigate HR and Peer Review for Employ Recording
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Employed Physicians - How to Navigate HR and Peer Review for Employed Physicians Quiz
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/10 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/10 points to pass After viewing the conference recording of "Employed Physicians - How to Navigate HR and Peer Review for Employed Physician", complete this quiz and earn 80% or higher to receive CE credit.
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0.75 CE Credits credits  |  Certificate available